I was thirteen when I started dyeing my hair. Thirteen was also the age I started wearing fake tan. I'd already began wearin...
I Don't Know What To Do With My Life
A lot of people find themselves in a place where they think 'I don't know what to do with my life.' Now, that ...
Why I Stopped Giving A F*Ck About What Other People Think
The unrequested opinions of others should never matter to you. Ever. I used to care so much about what people thought of me. ...
I'm Sick Of Social Media
Time for a bit of truth: I'm sick of social media . Social media can be an absolutely brilliant thing if used correctly but...
Why People Are Afraid Of Change (And How To Be More Accepting Of It)
Change is good. Change is scary. Change is inevitable. How we deal with change is what defines us. How we embrace c...
8 Ways To Stay Motivated When You Want To Quit
Have you ever felt like you wanted to quit everything? Everyone in life has faced a time when they've wanted to quit. Ho...
4 Signs You Should Stop Wasting Your Time And Energy On Someone Who Doesn't Deserve It
People are flakey. Not all people, but some people you meet in life are hella flakey. Flakey people are those who constantly flake out...
Why I Quit My Job After Two Months (And Why It Was The Best Decision Ever)
I quit my job last week. Yep, I quit my job without another one lined up. Was that a stupid decision? Financially, maybe. Was it a wi...