Happiness can sometimes seem like a foreign concept, a distant memory that you once had the pleasure of experiencing. Sometimes the ab...
Finally Accepting Myself
I was thirteen when I started dyeing my hair. Thirteen was also the age I started wearing fake tan. I'd already began wearin...
I Don't Know What To Do With My Life
A lot of people find themselves in a place where they think 'I don't know what to do with my life.' Now, that ...
Why I Stopped Giving A F*Ck About What Other People Think
The unrequested opinions of others should never matter to you. Ever. I used to care so much about what people thought of me. ...
10 Reasons Why You Should Follow Your Dreams
I'm a dreamer. I'm a BIG dreamer. As a child I was told to reach for the sky and follow my dreams, but as ...
Why Being Told 'No' Should Make You More Determined To Succeed
Getting a 'no' sucks. There's no denying it, when you work hard at something and are proud of yourself, but people r...
My Holiday Outfits 2017 - What I Wore In Lanzarote
SHOP MY OUTFIT: I'm back from holiday! And you know what that means... queue the holiday posts! I jetted off to the Canary I...
I'm Sick Of Social Media
Time for a bit of truth: I'm sick of social media . Social media can be an absolutely brilliant thing if used correctly but...