Why being told no should only make you more determined to succeed Why Being Told 'No' Should Make You More Determined To Succeed
Getting a 'no' sucks. There's no denying it, when you work hard at something and are proud of yourself, but people respond to you with a big fat 'Nope', it can sometimes really suck. It's very demotivating when you think you're deserving of an opportunity but no one chooses to see your potential. If you sometimes find yourself saying, 'Can anyone believe in me just for a second?!' then let me tell you why you should never let rejection get you down and why you ARE worth it.

There's a common misconception that numbers equal success. I will be the first to tell you that I get inspired by raw, engaging and real content rather than the number of views a post has or the number of followers the creator has. Unfortunately in modern day media a lot of brands tend to go for the biggest influencers with the widest audience, which is understandable because of course they want to reach a lot of people. This gets to me sometimes, because people usually don't try to see a persons potential, they want numbers and engagement upfront and that's their main focus.

You could unlock something brilliant if you choose to see the potential in yourself. Even more so, you could unlock something wonderful if you choose to see the potential in others.
Why being told no should only make you more determined to succeed Why Being Told 'No' Should Make You More Determined To Succeed

This doesn't just apply to social media. It can apply to your job, school, relationships and anywhere where you've been faced with skepticism or hostility due to not being thought 'good enough.' One person shouldn't have the power to determine you fate or future. However, seeing as it tends to be down to one person to decide who the best fit for a position is, that person will usually have set in their mind exactly what they're looking for, and that won't always be you.

Even if you're not what that one person is looking for, you could be exactly what another person is looking for.
Some people say if you get a door shut in your face maybe that door wasn't meant to be open in the first place. However, Im telling you, don't stop trying until you kick that door down and show those people what you're made of. You are worthy of those opportunities and you are going to be recognised for your worth. Yeah it can be disheartening being told you're not good enough, but the thing is you are good enough, you just need the right people to believe in you, starting with yourself. Hold on to the strength and determination inside you to show those people you can make it and you will achieve greatness. 

Don't waste your energy on those who don't see your potential. The only person who needs to believe in you is you and remember that the work you put in is just as important as the numbers.

I'm writing this post in the hope that it will inspire people to stop following the numbers and start appreciating the effort. You could have someone who makes the most inspiring content which has the potential to reach huge success and empower so many people, but they will almost always lose out to the person who already has thousands more followers because it's just easier to choose them.

So for everyone who tells you 'no' or shuts a door in your face because they don't think you're good enough or that you'll make it, that's cool, don't sweat, just tell them one thing: watch me.
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