The unrequested opinions of others should never matter to you. Ever. I used to care so much about what people thought of me. ...
10 Reasons Why You Should Follow Your Dreams
I'm a dreamer. I'm a BIG dreamer. As a child I was told to reach for the sky and follow my dreams, but as ...
Why Being Told 'No' Should Make You More Determined To Succeed
Getting a 'no' sucks. There's no denying it, when you work hard at something and are proud of yourself, but people r...
Why People Are Afraid Of Change (And How To Be More Accepting Of It)
Change is good. Change is scary. Change is inevitable. How we deal with change is what defines us. How we embrace c...
Why I'm Glad I Didn't Go To University
Yup, I'm glad I didn't go to university. Do I regret not going to university? Nope. I knew from at least age 17 that I didn...
4 Signs You Should Stop Wasting Your Time And Energy On Someone Who Doesn't Deserve It
People are flakey. Not all people, but some people you meet in life are hella flakey. Flakey people are those who constantly flake out...
15 Signs You Need To End A Relationship Now
Relationships can be amazing but they can also be crap if they're not working out. Relationships can start out great but over time ce...